How to Sign Into Multiple Gmail Accounts


One of the best features of Gmail is the ability to sign into more that one account at the same time using the same browser window. The video below will show you how it’s done.

Those of you who have many Gmail Google accounts, might run into the problem is keeping track of which tab is for which account. A great solution when dealing with more that one tab for each email is to create what we call a “spacer tab”.

To start, always try to make the email account you use, the first tab in your browser. For those of you may not know this, you can always – click, hold and drag your browser tabs to any position. Find your most commonly use “email” tab and slide it to the far left so that it’s the first tab on your browser. Next, create a new tab. Then create a third tab. Use this third tab to be the next most common Google email account you use. Then create another “spacer” tab and repeat the process.

In doing so, all your email account tabs have this “spacer” tab in between each of your email account tabs. Using this method allows you to more easily distinguish which tab is which and prevents the likelihood of sending an email an from the wrong account to the wrong person. It’s just a handy tip which allows you to better organize all your email account tabs.

Watch this video on how to sign into multiple Gmail accounts simultaneously.

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